backpacker hostel launceston tasmania backpacker hostel launceston tasmania backpacker hostel launceston tasmania
backpacker hostel launceston tasmania Arthouse Backpacker Hostel Launceston Tasmania backpacker hostel launceston tasmania
backpacker hostel launceston tasmania backpacker hostel launceston tasmania backpacker hostel launceston tasmania
Arthouse backpacker hostel launceston Tasmania
Arthouse backpacker hostel launceston Tasmania
backpacker hostel launceston tasmania backpacker hostel launceston tasmania backpacker hostel launceston tasmania

The Garden

We have started our organic & GM free herb garden. It has more than herbs already, with a kaffir lime tree.

It contains so far ...

  • Kaffir Lime tree - leaves used in Thai cooking and curries with a citrus flavor
  • Parsley
  • Oregano
  • Sweet Marjoram
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
  • Basil
  • Mint
  • Curry Plant - leaves make a great addition to a curry
  • Olive tree - not old enough for fruit yet

We will be expanding this in time, but it is a great start. The plan is for you to be able to wander out into the garden and pick some leaves to add to your cooking. It also gives a delicious smell to the courtyard.


images below - click to enlarge
Arthouse Hostel Launceston Room 12
The herb garden starts!
Arthouse Hostel Launceston Room 12
Kaffir lime & Rosemary